Atta Boy Joe! Thank you Joe Biden!

From the POLITCO –

“Vice President Joe Biden stoked a firestorm of liberal discontent with President Barack Obama on Monday – demanding that the Democratic base “stop whining” and start fighting Republicans instead of the White House.

Biden, speaking at a frozen yogurt plant in New Hampshire, said he wanted to “remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises.”

The comments echo Obama’s own recent calls to demobilized Democrats to slough off their apathy – and their disappointment in him – and gear up ahead of the midterms, when Democrats are facing devastating losses.

Biden’s comments weren’t premeditated and reflect Biden’s shoot-from-the-lip style, officials said. But that matters little to a Democratic base grown somnambulant and frustrated with the president’s willingness to accept ugly, if productive, compromises on the stimulus, Wall Street reform and health care.

Judging from the initial reaction to Biden’s remarks in Manchester, the base is plenty fired up – and ready to go.

At Biden’s throat.

One Democratic operative gasped when told of Biden’s remarks and wondered “why they would pick a fight with the base” five weeks before a midterm election that will hinge on turnout.”

You can always count on Joe Biden to stick his foot in his mouth.  People have been talking about Biden and Hillary Clinton switching places for the 2012 election.  After listening to Biden making one gaff after another, do we really want him as the leading voice of the administration to foreign countries?  I sure don’t!

But conservatives can thank Joe for alienating the Democratic base.  Who knows maybe some “blue dog democracts” will turn out for Republican candidates?

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